We created this support article to outline the known in-game issues for Second Extinction. If you find any additional bugs, please contact our support team by going here. All of these issues are being actively worked on by the development team. To simply the list, we've broken it down into categories listed below.
Pre-Season 7
[] = known bug
[o] = should be fixed in the next patch.
This article contains: (Use🔺to return to this list)
Abilities & Perks
[] The 'Split Warhead' weapon perk is inconsistent with its description
[] Artillery Cannon does no damage when equipping the perk "Direct Impact"
[] The 'Sluggish' weapon perk is inconsistent with its description
[] The 'High Velocity Rounds' perk does not affect the Assault rifle
[] Several audio issues regarding dialogue overlapping and sound effects
[] Sometimes sounds can get broken
[] Sometimes the kills are not credited for contracts when using the Slug shot modifier (Assault rifle)
[] Trigger Happy contract sometimes works only if the player completes it without reloading the gun
[] The Conservation of Energy contract has an description that’s inconsistent with its real completion conditions
Controls & Settings
[] Players are unable to rebind the switching weapon to a key
[] Player can't rotate mouse fully when doing emotes
[] Player sometimes can climb a dead dino as if it's a climbable object
[] Electrified Kylos cannot be flipped
[] T-Rex can get stuck in the terrain during Gas Pump event
Game World
[] Players can get stuck in specific locations or pushed through the ground in Horde mode
[] Player can experience several LOD issues in Altum Valley area
[] Flickering textures can be observed in Nova Ridge when crouching
[] Camera clips through terrain when extracting from Horde mode
Menu, HUD, UI, etc.
[] Not all video resolution options are visible in the settings
[] "Starting Horde Mode" pop up sometimes shows for players on wave 4
[] The Horde Mode header is missing in the Personal Best tab
[o] In rare cases it’s unable to complete the Contact mission due to the T-Rex not spawning
[] The regional assignments don't get properly updated in certain conditions between region borders
[] The game sometimes starts losing audio and getting crashed few moments later
[] Crash sometimes occur mid-session during a Vestige mission
[] Crash sometimes can happen on systems with AMD graphics card with outdated drivers installed
[] FPS can drop sometimes when Emergence event is started or finished
[] Players can sometimes be pushed under the map by Dino attacks
[] Players can experience lower than expected FPS when around a large group of dinos, potentially resulting in crashes (Xbox)
[] Placeholder text appears after gaining the Chrome skin (Hand Cannon)
[] Rosie has obstructed visibility while holding a Hand Cannon in ADS mode
[] In very rare cases players can experience the issue with the dropship not spawning for one of the players in the party
[] Interface can become unresponsive when host leaving the party