How to send relevant files to Customer Support!
In order to diagnose your issue if it’s hardware related, we will need several files.
If you are on PC DxDiag file to see your device’s hardware info. Here are the instructions to give us this file:
- Press Windows key + R to open the Run dialog.
- Type "dxdiag" and press Enter.
- Wait for the DirectX Diagnostic Tool to gather information.
- Click "Save All Information".
- Choose a location and filename for the text file.
- Save the file.
- Close the DirectX Diagnostic Tool.
Then all you will need to do is add the file as an attachment when submitting your ticket.
Save Game
Depending on if it is an issue where we need to investigate, we may request for you save files, it can vary depending on the platform.
Your save files are located in the following directory. Convert the 'Saves' Folder into a (zipped) folder as shown in below:
- For Steam Users:
C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Saved Games\Avalanche Studios\Second Extinction\Steam
- For Microsoft Store Users:
C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Saved Games\Avalanche Studios\Second Extinction\Window Store
- For EPIC Users:
C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Saved Games\Avalanche Studios\Second Extinction\Epic
Then all you will need to do is add the file as an attachment when submitting your ticket.
Getting other files in other means
Since some of these files can be large it might be a limit, there are some ways to help get your files to us. We will outline what you will need to send us required files.
Save file/crash logs
As these are trickier to upload due to email limits, however, we are happy to help. At times, we will ask you to send us your save files for us to examine. These must be sent to us via compressed file format, to do this please do the following:
- Right-click on the folder saved games folder mentioned previously.
- Click the Send to option. This will expand to show additional options.
- In the expanded Send to menu, click on Compressed (zipped) folder.
Then you are ready to send us your file.
Crash logs
We can use the macro for crash logs and also give a description of what they should look like when viewed files explorer.
If you received an error message saying “SecondExtinction has stopped working", then please specify what the error message is and send us your crash report files.
Here are the steps for exporting your crash dump files:
-Click "What does this report contain"
-Select all files and click "Export..."
Then all you will need to do is add the file as an attachment when submitting your ticket.
In order to send us longer clips, we would recommend either making a publicly listed video on YouTube or sharing a clip on OneDrive or Google Drive and sharing as a public file.
We can also give some instructions on how to provide a publicly hosted video file.
A video demonstrating the gameplay leading up to the crash. You can record it with the Windows built-in Game Bar, other recording software, or your phone. If the file is too large to attach, please consider sharing it through the use of cloud drives such as OneDrive or uploading it to a video hosting website and sending us the link. In the case of cloud drives, please make sure the video file's sharing permissions are set to be available to anyone with the link.